[MAGAZINE] BTOB Interview in Marie Claire August 2017 Issue

The end? We have never imagined it. We don't think about that.


BTOB as It Is Now

When we asked them about the end they might face someday, BTOB who usually give seven different answers in every question, they answered the question with the same answer for the first time, “The end? We have never imagined it. We don't think about that.”

Just like how we have seen it countless times, numerous new idol groups appear and disappear repeatedly every year. As if they are trying to reach the center of the world even just for a while, but if they fail to grab the public attention and couldn’t make a profit in a short time, no one could guarantee the group’s future. The world of an idol where every moment can be as fierce and harsh as it gets. In the middle of it, there is an idol group named BTOB who have already entered their 6th year since debut. BTOB took their first step with their debut album in 2012 and in March this year they released the 10th mini album <Feel’eM>, constantly making their own place in the industry. Their way to keep going without stopping is that the seven members decide their own path no matter what other people say. With the basics they have been balancing for 6 years, these 7 artists started to dream different dreams, like musical, composing, rap, acting, and others. Our meeting with Seo Eunkwang, Lee Minhyuk, Lee Changsub, Im Hyunsik, Peniel, Jung Ilhoon, and Yook Sungjae. Just like how the most excited group of the idol world should be, there was not even a moment that it’s not quiet when we spent the time with BTOB. Standing in front of the camera, thinking they would get serious for a moment, but as soon their eyes met, the laughter they have been holding got burst in no time. With them, we sat face to face while having a light yet serious conversation.


After releasing <Feel’eM> album, you guys are mainly doing individual activities. How is everyone doing?

Eunkwang: I’ve been working hard in <Hamlet> Musical for a long time. It’s entering its finale stage lately, so I have some spare time
Ilhoon: Actually, Eunkwang hyung is interested in shopping lately. In the old days, members often asked him to pay attention in fashion just for a bit until the point he got teased. But now his nickname is “Kwanglenciaga”, puhaha.
Changsub: Musical <Napoleon> stage will start soon. My first stage is on July 18.

Seems like even if it’s hard to get through all the schedules, there still gonna be lots of fun things as long as you do it together. Aren’t you guys going for summer vacation?

Ilhoon: Recently, Hyunsik hyung and I went to California together
Hyunsik: We didn’t just go there to play, but we went there to get some inspiration related to music and also to work on a song. It’s because I want to try working on music in a new environment. We also drank a lot and made some music while playing guitar and piano.
Sungjae: Inspiration?
Changsub: Why are you calling me? What did you drink there?
Ilhoon: Cognac

After meeting you guys directly, we now realize that all of the members are full of excitement just like what we heard. When we search on BTOB, not just stuff about your album promotion activities, but unusually there a lot of funny stuff like nonsense talk and gag memes. Is it okay for an idol to be this funny?

Hyunsik: I think those funny stuff will continue to come out in the future. We are always like this. I think the big gap between our serious look on stage and our daily life is one of the reasons why fans like us.
Minhyuk: It’s not like we are trying to be funny on purpose, but our personalities are originally bright and funny.
Sungjae: But Changsub hyung is indeed trying to be funny on purpose. Recently, he said that he feels sad because he lost his sense of humor. No one is saying anything but he is self-reflecting alone.

Where do you think this bright energy come from?

Eunkwang: The members are getting along with each other until the point where we never fight even just once.
Ilhoon: In the early days, I thought about whether it is okay for him to be a leader as he is too nice. But as time goes by, I think the reason why all of the members can promote happily like this is all because of Eunkwang hyung.
Sungjae: You only realize it now that everything is thanks to Eunkwang hyung? I have realized it from the start, haha.

Who is the most excited member in BTOB?

Eunkwang: It’s Sungjae, no matter how I think about it…
Sungjae: I have a big change of mood. When I’m tired or sleepy, I become depressed.
Hyunsik: But you are more in the ‘happy’ side these days, right?


Which member is the most uncontrollable from Eunkwang’s perspective as the leader and the oldest?

Ilhoon: I bet the leader couldn’t even control himself, haha
Eunkwang: I don’t really have to control them. I want to trust them no matter what. So as much as I trust them…
Changsub. Pft. Cheesy.
Minhyuk: Why? Isn’t he cool? Just continue.
Eunkwang: If I trust and support them until the end, they will do well on their own

Since you are close like a family, we think that each of you has a different role in daily life. For example, the warm and cozy like mom, or member who needs to be taken care of like your own little brother.

Minhyuk: Our dorms are all different so I don’t know. I live together with Ilhoon, Peniel lives alone, the rest 4 members are living together.
Sungjae: Who’s the mom in that house? In our dorm, Changsub is the messiest. He keeps his own room clean while throwing all of the trash to the living room.
Minhyuk: So Changsub is still the same!
Changsub: Ever since long ago I have a habit of hiding trash in some places. It’s not that I’m doing it on purpose, but if there is a bag of snacks, without realizing I hide them somewhere like in the gap between furniture or something.
Peniel: Didn’t you say that you recently found some empty water bottles?
Changsub: Where? When? On my bed? I don’t know….

Rather than become a star all at once because of one hit song, but BTOB is a team that slowly getting its place by trying a lot of different things. If you look back to the past, we think that you would feel very proud.

Ilhoon: I feel like we are climbing the stone steps one by one. We still have a long way to go.
Sungjae: We are very surprised every time we say that we are a 6th-year-old group. Many people think that we are still a rookie too. But we also feel the same way. Because we still have lots of things that we want to show.

Even though the group’s teamwork is good, but it’s really nice to see that each of you could make good use of your own characteristic for your individual activities. Like musical, acting, and also the <Monthly Project (Piece of BTOB)> where every member released their own solo track every month, that project is really interesting. That’s why, it’s not only BTOB’s future, but we’re also looking forward to every member’s future.

Changsub: Our individual activities are important too, but all seven of us have the same mind to continue doing BTOB activities. And I don’t think this thought will ever change in the future. But personally, finishing <Napoleon> musical stages successfully is my priority goal.
Hyunsik: When the song I wrote is chosen as the title song of the album, it really gives me a lot of burdens. Because title song is an important factor that will decide whether BTOB can go one step up or not. So I’m thinking to devote myself to working on music.
Changsub: In the songs written by Hyunsik or Ilhoon, there are many parts where I can feel that these two wrote the songs while thinking about the members. Since they knew what the members like so well, they can blend it into the music equally. And every time I feel it, I feel thankful to them.

Even though the love you have received from the fans can’t be measured in quantity, but it’s true that the level of attention change according to the number of activities each person has. We have a feeling that you would feel anxious when you can see the difference in the amount of attention of each member.

Changsub: The level of attention might be different by time, but I feel that fans who like BTOB as a group are a lot more than that.
Minhyuk: We support and congratulate each other. Rather than feeling anxious, it makes us think more about each of our individual points while making a pledge that I should work even harder and do my best.

What does BTOB mean to each of you?

Ilhoon: Sunlight. Because we want to be a team that always bright and give warm energy to people.
Peniel: I really like the ‘sunlight’ expression which Ilhoon said
Minhyuk: Home-like feeling?* A good place to visit whenever I go
Sungjae: Home you say… I don’t know if it’s because we’ve spent our dorm life for a long time, when I go to my parent’s house, I wonder if this is my house. On the other side, when I’m at the dorm, I also wonder if this is my house. So, this is what I thought of recently, wherever I’m with the members, that is my place.
[*T/N: the word 'home' that Minhyuk used was "친정 (chin-jeong)" which literally means the home/family of the married woman. So basically, what Minhyuk means was that BTOB is like his in-law's home] 

When the 7 of you gather, you must have also talked about directions that BTOB will go to, right?

Eunkwang: What kind of music that could express ourselves the most? We want to challenge many kinds of genres. We usually talk about this kind of topic.
Hyunsik: Since long ago, we pledged among members to make BTOB’s own path. If we look at any other idol group, many of them follow the route that their senior group has polished. But we have promised ourselves to do our own thing. Even though we still have a long way to go, but I think up until now, we have been doing a pretty good job in our own way.

I’m sure there are many changes in some parts for the past 6 years. Especially Sungjae and Ilhoon who became an adult during activities.

Eunkwang: My personality was actually a bit quiet at first, but I gained a lot of confidence.
Changsub: On the contrary, I think my personality became a lot calmer (softened) than before. Right?
Hyunsik: Changsub hyung slowly becoming less and less funny for the past 6 years
Sungjae: I sometimes think that I’m still young, but when I look at rookie groups that recently debuted, many of them are still in middle and high schools. Whenever that happens, I’m wondering whether I’m considered as old in this idol industry. But it’s clear that now is the time to run and work hard no matter what. Ah, now that the members are all adults, we can drink together.

Do you guys drink together often among members? You must have known each other’s drinking habits.

Minhyuk: Today Changsub will probably drink until morning, no?
Changsub: No!
Minhyuk: I don’t have any drinking habit. Just sometimes, my film would get cut (can’t remember anything)
Ilhoon: Ah, I don’t know if I can tell this episode of Hyunsik hyung or not but, there was a time when he and I drank a lot together after our schedules in China. We were so drunk until the point we don’t even remember how we got back to the hotel. The next morning, I woke up early as we had to go back to Korea, and Hyunsik hyung who’s still laying on the bed was talking to the air, “Mr. Driver, pull the car over here, please!” in Chinese and he kept talking to the taxi driver. I still remember it clearly. It was so funny.

Haha. Then, other than Peniel, do you guys relieve your stress by drinking?

Eunkwang: It’s okay if it doesn’t get resolved. Since I like the way we are now
Minhyuk: Now, when you feel tired, let’s listen to BTOB’s “It’s Okay”
Sungjae: Lately when I have a hard time, I don’t try to dig deeply into it. I’m currently practicing “let’s live simply”.
Ilhoon: I like to go on a vacation. When I’m busy I would take a look at the travel pictures to comfort myself.
Eunkwang: Ah. Lately, Sungjae, Hyunsik, and I go to ‘Escape Room’ often.

If we take a glance at your Instagram, you guys all have different preferences and personalities despite being in one team. Particularly, we really like reading Minhyuk’s honest review about Movies he posted on Instagram sometimes.

Ilhoon: Peniel hyung’s dream is to become a power blogger, while Minhyuk hyung’s dream is to become a columnist.
Minhyuk: Movies I watch recently are <I Spit on Your Grave> and <Driver>. Both of them are cruel movies, and there are a lot of shocking scenes too. I usually like to watch old movies, but this time I’m going to choose more peaceful movies.
Eunkwang: Ugh, I hate cruel things.

In Changsub’s Instagram feed, as expected the Yejiapsa (Be in the past, present, or future, I love you> words are the most stand out. Fans must be very like it since you made such a romantic new coined-word.

Changsub: Last year, it was chosen somewhere as the third most used newly coined word of the year. I’m happy because it receives good responses.
Sungjae: Changsub hyung is getting shy like this again when he is asked to explain the new word he personally made.

We are curious about what would you be if you are not a singer. Since you guys are all fun people by nature.

Eunkwang: Pro gamer
Changsub: I think I would still be doing something related to music no matter what
Sungjae: Owner of a fishing ground. I really like fishing. Then I would appear on <VJ’s on the scene>.
Peniel: Photographer.
Changsub: Not long ago, Peniel also took the jacket album photo for my Japan solo album.

Is there something that you want to achieve before your 20s ends?

Ilhoon: To bravely venture into things that I really want to do regardless of money
Hyunsik: Mastering 4 languages. Since I only have 4 years left, I have to hurry.
Changsub: I want to be a rock star. It’s my dream to do a rock concert alone.
Sungjae: Preparing my 30s in my 20s, and when I’m in my 30s I will prepare for my 40s.
Ilhoon: What’s that? Then, when are you gonna do things that you want to do, if you only keep preparing?
Sungjae: Ah, really? Then, let me try again!
Eunkwang: Okay, so that’s it. Thank you for your hard work, haha.

--- translated by: btobalwaysmelody.blogspot.com ---

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  1. Thank you for translating articles about them! YeJiApSa��
