[MAGAZINE] BTOB Interview in THE STAR May 2017 Issue

What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

Time goes on. Right now, BTOB’s time that still fully shine even when the colors are off.

Eunkwang: That will be exactly the time when I just get discharged from the military. Hahaha
Minhyuk: We will be working on music with more developed music!
Changsub: A longevity superstar group BTOB
Hyunsik: Singers who are known, liked, and recognized by the public
Peniel: We probably still continue doing promotion, no?
Ilhoon: Young people who keep jumping around like always
Sungjae: No matter what kind of changes there will be, I think BTOB’s friendship will never break apart

Time goes on

.Right now, BTOB’s time that still fully shine even when the colors are off.

BTOB who have entered their 6th year since debut, there’s even no one who has any crease in their personalities. They never hesitate no matter what kind of demand it is and always easy-going. And it was lucky to meet them.


Eunkwang _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

I’m currently focusing on practice for Musical <Hamlet> without rest. That’s why my personal goal this year is to be recognized as a musical actor, while my goal as a group is to hold a concert at Gymnastic Stadium.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

Soccer! It’s been a while since I did it. I want to play soccer.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

I got addicted to beer right now. I would drink a glass of cool beer at home after the hard work. I bought all types of beers and put them in the refrigerator (laugh).


When do you look the coolest?

When I sing, of course. I want to be cool forever.


Eunkwang’s powerful singing ability. Is there any song that can showcase your singing ability other than the ‘Tears’ song?

MAYA’s “Azalea”. It’s a song I always sang in karaoke when I was still a student.


It’s been decided that you will appear in <Hamlet> musical. How is your feeling to act as the main character, Hamlet?

I’m very nervous. Since it’s a masterpiece and a popular story where Hamlet leads the whole play, I can feel a lot of pressure. But as much as the burden I feel, I am so thankful for able to play Hamlet’s role. I’m working hard so I would get recognized.


When we look at Eunkwang on a usual day, you look very considerate. Were you born with that kind of personality?

Well, my mom told me that I’ve been like this ever since I was a child, but (laugh) I believe that human is actually good by nature. The pure heart when a person is born, even though it can be changed by the environment as they grow up, but I think the deep heart of every human being itself are all naturally good.


As a leader, is there any point that you want from the members?

I hope we can just continue to be together like this in the future, guys.


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

That will be exactly the time when I just get discharged from the military. Hahaha.


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I’m always happy and thankful every time I read letters or messages saying how the fans received a lot of comforts because of BTOB’s music. I hope that our relationship where we give happiness to each other will last forever. I will sing for you forever. I love you.


Minhyuk _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

Even though we have just finished our official group promotion, but we have been busier compared to during the promotion. Not only Japan schedules, but there are some invisible schedules too. Even though our body is having a hard time, but we’re having fun.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

Going to the cherry blossom festival while listening to “Remember That”


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

Comic books. I like it since I was a kid. I just moved recently, and now I have my own room. That’s why I bought a bookshelf and filled it with comic books. Even some of the books are still unsealed. I feel proud and satisfied just by looking at it. But books can’t only have interesting stories, people will read them if the covers are pretty. Recently, I’m working on putting a cover on each comic book.

When do you look the coolest?

When I can digest the schedule well and in a cool way.


Physical-dol Lee Minhyuk, what is your favorite workout?

These days it’s so hard for me to workout. My body is not the same as before anymore (laugh). Since I was a kid, I like basketball the most. I even had NBA idols too. And since I like to do things by myself, I liked to work out together with people I don’t know every day.


You’re like an ancestor of sport-dol. Is there anyone that you are eyeing to be the next generation of sport-dol?

I have never thought about it, but I just hope everyone will workout without getting hurt.


Looking at your Instagram, there are so many photos of movie posters.

I upload movies that gave me deep impressions or movies with my favorite actors in it. It’s because I want to share the emotion with other people.


What does red hair mean to Minhyuk?

A turning point, change of mood, feeling as if I have become a celebrity (laugh).


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

We will be working on music with more developed music!


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I’m sorry to make you wait for a long time. We will repay you with music for a longer time.


Changsub _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

Recently I’m doing a musical, and since our album promotion has ended, I’m focusing on my Japan activities. I want to release a full album this year.


The album promotion this time was short, don’t you feel sad?

We did our promotion short and boldly, so I have no regrets. It was fun.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

I always have schedules so I have no time to rest. I want to go on vacation alone. At first, I wanted to go to Jeju Island, but recently I want to go to Singapore. I like to go on a trip alone. Going together is nice too, but if I go alone, I like that I don’t have to ask each other’s opinions. It will be awkward at first if you see it, but you’ll see the charm of it.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

I’m waiting for the cherry blossom to bloom. The smell of spring. The season’s smell have always become my source of energy. It’s fluttering to smell different scents depending on the changing seasons.


When do you look the coolest?

When I sing. I become the most serious at that time.


Changsub’s bizarre photos which have zero hesitation are impressive. What is the most important point to take a bizare photo?

Overcome your embarrassment. When I make everyone laugh because of me, that becomes a bizare picture (laugh).


Recently you have finished <Boys Over Flower> musical. What musical do you want to challenge next?

I want to try a serious musical like <Jesus Christ Superstar>.


What kind of charm that musical has?

I think acting is the biggest charm. Until the point that I can experience things that I haven’t done it before. The emotions that I use to perform on stage as a singer and as an actor are different. Even the song itself has a different approaching method. Although every song has different reason to be sung, but in musical, it’s even more precise. And it’s fun to deliver it to the audience. We have to work in harmony with the audience and make them focus on us.


We are surprised about your 4 months diet. Are you still in the middle of dieting?

I have probably gained 7kgs by now. It’s a bit sad that the abs have disappeared. The right answer for diet is patience for sure. There’s no easy method. The answer is to endure.


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

A longevity superstar group BTOB


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I think of them as my eternal companion. I love and cherish them. Yejiapsa (Be in the past, present, or future, I love you).


Hyunsik _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

I’m planning to develop myself more. Not just working on songs, I also learn some instruments, singing lesson, and also drawing.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

I want to lie down in a field with blooming flowers while listening to the song, then fall into a deep sleep and have a sweet dream.


How was your last Japan tour a few days ago? Don’t you feel lonely during overseas activities?

The tour is still ongoing, and I really like the start. Thus, I’m also looking forward to our next stages. Thankfully, it doesn’t feel lonely.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

Drawing while listening to good music without thinking how the time flies.


When do you look the coolest?

When I work on a song, and when I sing.


What does eye-smile mean to Hyunsik?

My strongest weapon


You and others call yourself the 1st rank in BTOB. Is there any secret method to maintain your 1st rank position?

Totally none (laugh). I don’t even know why it is like that.


You are BTOB’s official producer. What kind of genres do you want to show for the next album?

I want everyone to try singing jazz style music for once. I think BTOB will suit jazz like Bossa nova feels.


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

Singers who are known, liked, and recognized by the public. Singers who have concerts to be enjoyed together with their family.


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I promise that I will become a cooler artist.


Peniel _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

Even though our Korean promotion has just ended, but we’re doing a Japan promotion right away. I just bought a new camera recently and now I’m interested in taking pictures. My goal this year is to improve my skills in taking pictures and videos.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

Take Pennie (Peniel’s pet dog) for a walk and play with friends.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

Taking pictures and doing some editing gives me strength. I also gain strength by looking at Pennie.


When do you look the coolest?

I still don’t know either (laugh).


You went to the jungle for shooting <Law of the Jungle>. Was there any memorable episode?

When we caught biawak (a type of lizard) and when we jumped into the water, those were the most memorable to me.


‘Peu-tographer’ Peniel’s photo exhibition <Penography> is still ongoing, right?

I’ve always been interested in pictures ever since I was young, but I never thought about opening an exhibition at all. Scenery, food, Pennie, people. In one word, I take pictures of my life. I got inspiration from everything around me.


Is there any field that you personally want to challenge?

I want to take a challenge on videos and pictures more.


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

I’m not sure. I can’t see the future, I’m sorry. We probably still continue doing promotion, no?


For the last, please say something to the fans.

Thank you for always supporting and loving us. Please take care of us in the future too.

Ilhoon _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

I’m currently focusing on composing songs as I always do. Since I have received so many loves more than I expected, I’m working even harder to show our better side next time. I’m planning to do well on our Japan promotion and also overseas schedules.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

Going on a drive, or if I have a chance, I want to go on vacation. I also want to see flowers when it blooms.


Where did you get the inspiration when you were working on the title song ‘Movie’ for this album?

‘Movie’ is a funky style song which I usually like. I have always wanted to try it, and I finally could finish the song this time. I wrote the melody during my holiday overseas, and I think I got influenced a lot by the emotions I felt at that time.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

BTOB. I feel very thankful to them for working hard on promotion with this title song. I always gain strength from the members.


When do you look the coolest?

When I look at the mirror while taking shower


You went to Europe to shoot <One Night Food Trip> program. If you have to recommend the most delicious dish, what would it be?

There was a time when I went to a steak house. The lobster menu and sirloin steak that I ate were the most delicious.


You must have been very full, but it’s really amazing how you could keep eating like that.

Well, I ate the digestion pill, but I don’t think it was helping. Even so, the foods were all very delicious, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable at all.


We are surprised by your personal fashion sense. Is there any know-how of styling?

I think the most important is to find your own style.


I heard that you’re good at styling your own hair. Please tell us your hairstyling tips.

 I asked the hair staff to teach me. But I only know how to do the pomade style (laugh).


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

Young people who keep jumping around like always.


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I feel like we are getting closer as time goes by. Thank you for always being with us, I always love you!  


Sungjae _

We are curious about your life these days and your plan for this year.

I’ve been doing Japan promotions and also individual shooting.


Did you get a satisfying result for this promotion?

We’ve got more than a satisfying result. Thank you so much for all the attention and love.


What do you want to do the most when the spring breeze blows?

Fishing. I feel as if my work would go well after I went fishing. It gives me a refreshing feeling. Spring and autumn are the best seasons for fishing. I went fishing 3 weeks ago and caught 6 fishes.


What is your biggest source of energy lately?

My lovely cat, Sami. She is so pretty until the point I can forgive everything even just by looking at her face.


When do you look the coolest?

When I challenge something for the first time. That kind of look when I’m starting something new, digging, and studying about it. Men are usually cool when they focus on something, right? That kind of feeling (laugh).


You got a lot of popularity through Yoo Deokhwa role in drama <Goblin>. How do you feel about the comment on your stable acting?

I don’t think I have stable acting yet. I have to work harder, so I won’t make people who like me feel disappointed.

Do you still keep in contact with <Goblin> team now?

We still talk about our life update in the group chat.


For your next project, what kind of character do you want to challenge?

Different from what I have done until now, I want to try a villain role.


In the recent episode of <Yoo Heeyul’s Sketchbook>, you have revealed your ambition to make Yook Sungjae’s <Post-it>. If you have a chance to do <Post-it>, which singer you want to invite as a guest?

Robby Williams. Kim Dongryul sunbae-nim for Korean singer. All of their lyrics are touching.


Is there anything that has changed from you compared to your debut days?

I think my way of thinking has become healthier. Before, I used to think alone and often fell into negative thoughts. I didn’t like to look obvious when I had a hard time and didn’t like to share my stories with others. But as I work and meet many people, I talk to many people and share my thoughts often. I think I have changed more into a positive way, compared to when I used to think by myself.


What do you think BTOB will look like in 5 years?

No matter what kind of changes there will be, I think BTOB’s friendship will never break apart.


For the last, please say something to the fans.

I hope you can be happy by listening to BTOB’s songs.

Source | Interview: S2_lsub | Photo: sports donga

More photos: CS__J

--- translated by: btobalwaysmelody.blogspot.com ---

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