[COMEBACK INTERVIEW] Seo Eunkwang’s 1boon NewsAde KakaoTalk Interview

Idol Who Chats In KakaoTalk Using The Thousand-Character Text

The conclusion is GANG? An interview that starts with ‘GANG’ and ends with ‘GANG’

Article Date: 2020.06.09

Original article: 1boon NewsAde


Seo Eunkwang has come.

BTOB main vocal,

BTOB’s leader,


Seo Eunkwang who is perfect for military uniform

Source: Seo Eunkwang Instagram

Seo Eunkwang who has become a military discharged idol

is burning with passion, “I can even chew an iron”,

he ran without resting for 2 months after discharged.

(refer to the article below ↓ )

"The Recent Status of An Idol Who Wants to Chew An Iron"

He’s being active over the boundary without rest

appearing on public tv, cable tv, and individual broadcast

Source: Cube Entertainment

 And also,

showing his first mini album, 8 years since debut

‘Forest: Entrance’


Waiting for his upcoming album release

he did the [Katalk interview] 

inside a running car.

[T/N: in case there's anyone who doesn't know hangul at all: ㅋㅋㅋ = kekeke / ㅎㅎㅎ = hahaha]

(*We revealed some part of the original katalk chat room. After this, we will only edit some of the typos in the katalk conversation, but the content will be the same. In addition, emoticons that currently not supported in 1boon, we’ll use the screen-captured of the real chat to deliver more vivid atmosphere. Thus, if the emoticon image quality is low from mobile, you can see the clear version from PC.) 

[T/N: As for the translation in this blog, I recommend you to read it via mobile instead, because if you open it from PC, the image of the chat conversations may be in different sizes (make it looks kinda unneat T_T) as for the pictures that were shared in the chatroom can be downloaded from the original article]

Source: Newsade X Seo Eunkwang Katalk Chat Room Screen Capture

To be more convenient, 

we edited the full of affection nickname 

‘Newsade I love you ’ 

to ‘Seo Eunkwang’ :)

(*For your information, these two were the MC and panelist together in YTN program ‘EnterK’ in the past.)

Couldn’t see the post? Open it on Instagram

Seo Eunkwang’s tongue slip has been originally famous.

And this is the first time we’ve experienced it real time!

Seo Eunkwang’s tongue slip words

* idiomatic word  high character idiom 
   [고사성어 (go-sa-seong-eo)  고자성어 (go-ja-seong-eo)]
* black history  hell past 
   [흑역사 (heuk-yeok-sa)  헬과거 (hell-gwa-geo)] 
* there’s no end in human’s greed and they repeat the same mistakes  there’s no end in human’s greed and they grow day by day

Well-mannered towards (Rain) senior,

self-giving towards (BTOB) members

an artist from this generation,

BTOB leader



Have to listen no matter what!

‘No One Knows’


A song containing Seo Eunkwang & Im Hyunsik chemistry

let’s listen to ‘Love Again’

We prepared it for people who haven’t seen it.

Seo Eunkwang and Hui’s “Ottoke Song”

MNET – [EP.44] Attention Melody & Universe! Seo Eunkwang & Hui sing ‘Ottoke Song’

A junior in the agency that Seo Eunkwang adores, Pentagon!

Recently they’re active in MNET ‘Road to Kindgom’.

MNET [Reaction Teaser] #1 PENTAGON 90secs Performance

(BTOB Forever!)

Source: Cube Entertainment

With a heart full of love

please listen to Seo Eunkwang’s “No One Knows”.

All of the side tracks including the pre-release song “Dear my Dear” are good.

And Seo Eunkwang’s ‘Morning GANG’

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오늘도 모닝 출근 깡..🔥 Monday Fighting!!!!!!🔥

A post shared by 서은광 (@btob_silver_light) on

Couldn’t see the post? Open it on Instagram

[Caption translation] @btob_silver_light

Today too, go to work in the morning with GANG…🔥

Monday Fighting!!!!!🔥

I will go and analyze

Seo Eunkwang’s Instagram.

 Couldn’t see the post? Open it on Instagram

By. Park Hyunmin reporter

--- translated by: btobalwaysmelody.blogspot.com ---

please take out with full credit

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