[MAGAZINE] CeCi November 2017 Issue, "BTOB Because We Are Together"

BTOB Because We Are Together

Waiting for their upcoming 2nd full album, BTOB becomes more confident than ever.
“We’re going to show you what we can do best.”

Changsub & Sungjae

If the ideal “brotherhood” relationship exists, wouldn’t it be similar to Changsub and Sungjae? Even though their mischievous quarrel never ends and the light jokes always come out all the time, but behind that, there is a deep trust and understanding toward each other. We just took a glimpse of them spending the time together, which can even make people feel pleased just by looking. In a short period of time, it was long enough to glance sideways at these two people’s sincerity.

For this album title, there’s the word “Brother” in it. There are many different expressions of the word ‘brotherhood’. How is it? Do you look it?

Changsub we divided it into ‘hyung’ and ‘dongsaeng’ in our country, but the word ‘Brother’ is a combination of those, right? And I think that word is BTOB itself. The first time I heard it, I thought, “Ah this is it”.

Sungjae I also like it. For me, I feel that BTOB hyungs are a part of my family now. So, it feels like mom, dad, my older sister, and BTOB hyungs.


You guys also live together in the same dorm like a real family. You must have many individual activities this year, are both of you often spending the time together in the dorm?

Sungjae Ah, if it’s inside the dorm, we are not a brother (laugh). I don’t know who’s in the dorm and who’s not.

Changsub We just moved this year. Since we have our own room, so it’s almost like we are having a one room life. We don’t know who is home, so we even send messages to know each other’s whereabouts.

Sungjae I think it’s similar to a family who doesn’t talk to each other a lot at home. During Chuseok holiday this year, I went back to the dorm a bit early, and it felt as if someone was home. After that, I asked them when we met during schedules and it turned out Changsub hyung was in the dorm at the time.

Changsub My parents visited me on Chuseok day. Except for going to the practice room, I almost didn’t come out of my room.


I think you need some time alone?

Changsub I like being alone. Before, we shared the room with two people, but now that I have my own space, I ended up not going outside my room.

Sungjae I hate being alone, so I always ask Changsub hyung to drink coffee or drink alcohol together, but there’s one time he said he would go together with me, yet he didn’t come out from his room for an hour. I think this is how we’re getting farther away slowly.

Changsub Lie! Just since when you contacted me.


Recently, Changsub appeared in “Wednesday Food Talk” and said that going to a café is a culture now. How about you two? Do you guys go to the café together sometimes?

Sungjae Well, if it’s both of us, we go to drink alcohol more instead of coffee. Hyung likes soju and beer.

Changsub If two men are together, well, rather than coffee…


Then why did you lie on broadcast… (laugh). Now that I look at it, you look interested in the drinks that are prepared for the shooting props.

Changsub I’m currently more into whiskey now. The liquor bottles in the dorm have actually decreased. Two days ago I suddenly wanted to drink, so I brought them and drank it one by one on the bed.


This is a sudden question, but what do you think is the reason we interview both of you together? If you had to find something in common from both of you, what would it be?

Changsub Uhm. I have no idea at all. We are both handsome?

Sungjae well first, that’s not it. Being considerate of others? I think our common point is that we both have a good heart more than anyone, no?


Just like what we feel through this interview, if we look at the video, the chemistry of you two is really great. People call it as a ‘funny’ combi. Is there any special reason why you guys become close?

Sungjae When we were trainees, there was a time when the five members except the two of us appeared first on the broadcast. The company reassured us by saying that the two of us are the secret card, but at that time we can’t help but feel anxious. I talked and shared many stories with hyung at the time and we became really close. Before that, it was not long since we were put in the same team, so we barely talked with each other.

Changsub It was the day when he still talked to me politely with honorifics. When we were trainees, we wanted to make a hidden camera during Sungjae’s birthday, so I grabbed him by the collar and told him to follow me, but I almost got hit by Sungjae as well.

Sungjae I was in a situation where I didn’t know that it was a hidden camera and I didn’t do anything wrong, but he grabbed me by the collar, so I thought that “this is wrong”. I also thought of fighting him back in self-defense if he tried to hit me.

Changsub But he cried after knowing that it was a hidden camera. He really cried a lot. 

Recently Sungjae went on vacation for filming CF with a junior at the same company, Yoo Seonho. I think it feels different to see maknae Sungjae as a big brother.

Changsub I actually worried about that a lot. He plays a lot of pranks to his hyung like this, so I thought how severe it must be for people who are younger than him. But gladly, I heard some nice stories from people around me, and that would probably because I always show myself adoring and loving the younger brothers in person (laugh).

Sungjae Of course, I can’t help but feel difficult with Seoho. He is still a trainee and our age is 7 years apart. Just like how the hyungs were treating me like a friend for the first time, he kept coming up to me naturally. He said “I’m not a difficult person~” and continuously to appeal himself. Maybe thanks to that, we always greet each other nicely whenever we meet now. We also contact each other sometimes.


You guys have shown a lot of mischievous sides, but was there any conversation or serious topic you guys had recently that you remember?

Sungjae It’s because we talked about things that really have no value until I couldn’t remember anything. Something like, “I will buy a car” or “I will buy a house”?

Changsub My dream house is, after the gate is opened, you have to drive a car for a while to get there. I want to live in a mansion in the countryside.


This year, Changsub released his <Piece of BTOB> song “At The End” at the same time as his showcase in Japan. It was the very first solo showcase among members, right?

Changsub It’s because the company’s CEO who takes care of our Japan promotion likes my voice. That’s why I could stand on the stage a bit faster than other members.


Do you guys personally think that you have shown the music you wanted to do? Since you have piled up some solo activity experiences, I think it could give an impact on this full-length album.

Sungjae I choose “Say it” song because it seems like many people were looking forward to seeing me sing a ballad song. While for “Paradise” song, I feel like it’s my ‘half start’ since I thoughtlessly did it because I kept saying that I wanted to show my self-composed song but couldn’t. <Piece of BTOB> is a promotion where we release one song each month during our hiatus which also contains a message not to forget us. I’m sure there is synergy when we are all together

Changsub The song with a genre that we are good at became the title song, and since the album reflects a lot of what the members have been thinking about, I think we can show our experienced side more than ever. We are confident because we gather everything we can do well and carry it with us.


Sungjae in acting and variety, Changsub in musical stages. You guys are active in your individual activities, but do you guys share any opinion or advice to each other?

Changsub We are really not worried about each other. I think we’re only up to say “This time, I’ve decided to do this”

Sungjae Each member has their own stubbornness. No matter how you’re good at drawing, you can’t touch other artists’ work, right? Should I say that it’s kind of similar to that?

Changsub Keu~ most of the time, we trust each other and don’t talk much about it. Even though sometimes we share something like “if you do it like this, I think it will look a bit different”, but everyone is originally doing well on their own. Individual activity is something that they should do well

Sungjae once said that, the closer he gets to someone, the more he would be able to say bad words to that person. But for the last question, if you have to give each other’s compliments, what do you want to say?

Changsub He said that before? He is really bad. Alright. Say something spiteful to hyung.

Sungjae Hyung. I said that you have to avoid people who only give compliments.

Changsub But, Sungjae is doing well right now. He is really good at working and also doing well as maknae. Right, just do as well as you do right now!

Sungjae I really don’t want to give any compliment. Hyung knows what I feel and I believe that many other people will say it to him. In the end, let’s just say that I won’t do it…


Eunkwang & Minhyuk

If we are talking about individual activities, it’s impossible not to mention “Piece of BTOB”. Do you think you guys have shown enough of the music you wanted to do?

Minhyuk For me, I think I have considered everything that I’m good at and what I wanted to show. The reason why I chose “Purple Rain” among the solo tracks I’ve worked on is because I could show the harmony of both vocal Lee Minhyuk and rapper Lee Minhyuk. I also wanted to show my emotional side and my production skills.

Eunkwang I was the last member of the project. First, I thought that I did my own music. I chose the music that I like the most. I personally asked the composing team who made Lim Changjung’s song. I was really satisfied during the recording, but after the time passed and I listened to it again now, there are many things that I’m still lacking at. Next time, I want to challenge a different genre regardless of what I like. I think there is no end in music. Really.


We are looking forward to how hard you have worked. Recently, Eunkwang just started musical creation <Oh! My Goddess> stage following the musical <Hamlet>. Does Minhyuk go to watch your friend’s performance?

Minhyuk Eunkwang’s performance? I’ve watched them all.

Eunkwang All the members come to watch my performance, but I feel thankful especially for Minhyuk and Peniel because they came first before I told them. It really gives me strength when the members come to watch my performance. It hasn’t been long since <Oh! My Goddess> started but Minhyuk and Peniel had already came. Because I’m thinking that they are in the audience seats, the level of immersion towards my role changed.

Minhyuk Every time Eunkwang working on a musical project, we can clearly see how his ability has improved. He was also doing great during his first musical <Monte Cristo>.

Eunkwang Aak, <Monte Cristo>! How many years ago was that?

Minhyuk He really did great at the time too. For me, every time I work on a project, the experience will become nutriment and I can feel that I’m growing. And as expected, every time Eunkwang is on stage, I can see that his ability improves a lot. If it’s a long time ago I would kind of worried like “Eunkwang should do well and not be nervous”, but now I just go and watch him with the feeling of an audience. Because he’s doing really well.


(The question got cut)

Eunkwang This is something that was told in an interview really long time ago, one of Minhyuk’s dream was to be a musical actor. I also kind of curious about how he would look if he goes up to the musical stage. I think he will do well. It’s good if we can meet together in the same musical work. Whoa, won’t it be really fun if we do it together, for real?

Minhyuk If we do it together, I’d feel reassured and rely on him. But, except the fans, won’t it be hard for the audience to accept the stage where two members of BTOB are in the same stage?


Minhyuk’s realistic judgment can really be seen well (laugh). This is the last question. If we look at the video that you were filmed in the waiting room, Eunkwang was looking for other members to go to the bathroom together. Can’t Eunkwang go to the bathroom alone?

Eunkwang Aak! No. I go alone! But I was indeed looking for other people who want to go with me.

Minhyuk For me, if it’s not the time when I want to go, then I won’t go with him no matter what.

Eunkwang For sure there’s no big reason why I won’t go if I’m alone. If we want to go to the bathroom in the broadcast station, there’s a chance that we will come across other people like staffs, juniors, and other teams. But if I were alone I would feel very shy. That’s why I want to go together.

Minhyuk This is how Eunkwang really relies on members.

Hyunsik, Peniel & Ilhoon

On this full album, the title song “Missing You” is written by Hyunsik. Coincidentally, Hyunsik and Ilhoon’s songs are taking turns to be chosen as the title song. Don’t you guys quietly keep an eye on each other?

Ilhoon Of course, there’s a well-intentioned competition in it. Usually, other teams only have one member who focuses on producing, but in our team, you might see that our roles are overlapping. Anyway, the most important thing is for the two of us to make a good album, and I feel that the result will come back to us. I think it’s very “pathetic” if we feel hurt when the song that we made didn’t get chosen as the title song.

Hyunsik I think we have more strong points than the team which only has one member to be in charge of producing.

Ilhoon Honestly, I got so much stressed when I worked on the first title song “Movie”, so this time, I also wanted to pass over the pressure to Hyunsik hyung

Hyunsik If the song doesn’t go well, it’s obvious that I would feel sorry for the members, and I think I would lose my confidence in writing songs. This time, we took almost two months to decide the title song between Ilhoon’s song and my song, so it was harder even more.

Peniel I could tell how he was having a hard time because Hyunsik hyung usually didn’t appear in the group chat, yet this time, he always asked us to give our opinion quickly and kept pressing the members. Since the song got chosen because I said that I like his song the most and everyone agreed with it, so I told him not to worry.


For this album title, there’s the word “Brother” in it. There are many different expressions of the word ‘brotherhood’. How is it? Do you like it?

Peniel I like it as soon as I hear it for the first time. It really suits with BTOB

Hyunsik While working on the album, there have been many opinions on how we shouldn’t divide the member’s role into vocal or rap, but just put a part where everyone sings in a choir. So I put that element in the album, and I think it suits well with the album title.

Ilhoon It’s a great album where you can see our human side at once. I think the humanism emotion that we have shown in the previous albums can be formed and delivered well when it meets the ‘brotherhood’ word. Since this is our full album after a long time, all the seven of us really paid a lot of attention to it. Please listen to it a lot!


These are only parts of the interview. Only could find the full interview of Changsub & Sungjae. 

If you have the magazine or the full interview and might want to share it, you can contact me so I can translate everything in it!

Source: CeCi | BTOB_ACCIDENT | lov2_321 | sunshine_mozzi | 쟁이누나 | WhoRU_BTOB

--- translated by: btobalwaysmelody.blogspot.com ---

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